Friday, 8 May 2015

Nepal's earthquake

W.A.L.T: find proof of the authors message.
Story: Level ten
Character: Terry

Planning space
Write what details you know and can guess.
eg. Age, Gender
Name: Terry
Age: Guess 13
Gender: Male- main character of this story.  
What are their interests do you think?
Ha like playing video games, He likes playing a game called Krang Castle,
What country do you think they live in?
Wellington, New Zealand,
Would their life have been affected by the earthquake in Nepal do you think?
Yes because after the earthquake there will come  another earthquake that will last for days and days.  
How might their lives have been affected if an earthquake hit in their city?
If they had an earthquake they would suffer and they might even die.
Is there anything that the character could do, or might do, to help the people in Nepal who have suffered from the earthquake?
He could do a donation, a sausage sizzle to make money, and gather more people to help him  

Write your interview questions

  1. Write short introductory paragraph about who the character is (2 sentences should be enough).
  2. Write a question that asks the character about their thoughts on the Nepal Earthquake.
  3. Write a question that asks the character about what an earthquake in their city would mean for them.
  4. Write a question that asks the character if they are going to help Nepal in anyway.

Answer the questions you have written as if the character had answered it themselves.

Write your interview here:
Terry is a male who loves video games.  He plays role playing games, and one day he felt like he was in the game.

Terry what do you think you can do to help the people who suffered from the earthquake  that took place in Nepal.  I can’t do a lot of stuff, so I think I should do a sausage sizzle to raise money.

Terry when do you think Nepal will get help. Well they are getting help right now  people from pakistan are helping them and many more others.

Last question Terry If there was an earthquake here how would you feel.
I would feel really sad and I might lose my family and friends. And People who are doing the 40 hour famine they will need to do it for us.   

I,ve heard that you like playing video games. If an earthquake happens then there will be no electricity and if there is no electricity how would you play your game. I wouldn't be able to play video games anymore  and that will make me really angry and I will have to play outside.

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